Oh Ahmad

By Narda Dalgleish.

O Ahmad
There is nothing I can do or say to prevent your intention
To blow yourself up
with those you hate.

But I would like you to know anyway
That at the end of your last prayer
when you turn your head to the right
and say
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu
you have greeted me too
as I am there, right beside you
with the whole of Mankind
because your Lord is my breath.

Then when you turn
your head to the left
and repeat for the last time
assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuhu
I am there too, with the whole universe
because everywhere you turn
there is His face
And your Lord is my breath.

Even when
your hands and forehead touch the ground
and you say to your Lord with a deep sense of fulfillment
We are all there
right beneath you
with our forehead and hands and knees and toes
touching yours from the ground.
So just before you press the button
with your call Akbar
know that we are always between you and your Lord
He is our breath.

Now. What if I tell you that the poem is written by a mother who has lost her son to a suicide bomber?

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