Candles and I

Candles and I go a long long way back. Any close friends of mine would tell you "Oh Eva and her candles..[sigh]". Just to give you an idea of how fascinated I am toward this simple thing.

I am not sure how my fascination to candles or candle-like atmosphere started. They are just simply amazing. The warmth that glows from their light is so enticing, almost seductive.

I can sit still for quite a while just to gaze at its light or to enjoy the color it has created in the surrounding area. I feel at peace. Warm. Smile.

So when a friend gave me a candle holder (along with several candles) as a present that 'suits me', it was a sure bet. Good instinct.

Hatur nuhun kangge hadiahna. Teu nginten. Tadi enjing parantos ngawitan nyarengan meditasi sareng padamelan abdi. Karaos haneuteun :)

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