How do you treat a person?

[Bahasa Indonesia]

How you talk about a person when that person is around is important.
How you talk about a person when that person is not around is more important.

How you treat your friends is important.
How you treat your enemies is more important.
(not to mention interesting).

Because that is what defines your characters.

Whatever you say about a person, you should be able to say the same thing to that person directly. If not, then consider yourself out of line.

Don’t say it is difficult to change. Don't give me the excuse that "it's human nature". It's a matter of practice. A matter of habit.

Arfan Pradiansyah. Trijaya FM. Earlier today.

PS: Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.--Tryon Edwards

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