Persona: Mbak Lina

[Bahasa Indonesia]

I love meeting inspiring people. I met one when last week: Mbak Lina my yoga instructor from Balance Yoga, Yogyakarta. She came across very humble, just like any rather young Javanese mother. But this impression quickly grew stronger as I was listening to her stories.

I shall just share one story with you. Her child has downsyndrome. She did not give up though. She kept her positiveness and went here and there to help her child grow.

The child did grow into a marvelous kid. But Mbak Lina did not stop there. She established a foundation to help other families with downsyndrome children.

She rightly put it that in cases like this, the key is the mother. It is the mother who will break or make the child. (Salute to all mothers, hugs and kisses to mine).

I told my friend about Mbak Lina. I told her that what crossed my mind was the fact, the realization, that I am nothing, still a long way to go, compared to Mbak Lina. My friend’s response was that she often felt that way with just about anybody. Slap Slap to me.

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