For mom

[Bahasa Indonesia]
I am quoting a quote taken from Mbak Lita’s pages. The thread was originally posted by Ira Lathief in August 2006. The posting was titled “"Don't know what I've got until it's gone..."

It is in Indonesian, so allow me to translate it to English:
One and a half year ago, my mom passed away. There are so many things that I have not told her.
"Mom.. at last I have been accepted for a job. This is due to your prayer.”
“Mom.. here’s my first paycheck. I should give it all as a present to you.”
“Mom.. I will receive a bonus soon. When I receive it, let’s go on a trip.”

And, when the time comes, I will not be able to tell her..
“Mom.. meet my future husband.”
“Mom.. please give me your blessings, I want to get married.”
"Mom.. this is your grandchild, teach my how to be a great mother like you.”

A mother is like air to breathe to human life. It is so grand yet rarely we notice it, until it is gone.

Here’s to all the mothers in the world. Huge hugs, kisses and love to mine.

Postscript: I forwarded this to a friend. His response was “So, love ur mum, while she is still with you, Va.”

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