Grants for innovative business ideas

[Bahasa Indonesia]

Some things are worth promoting.

SENADA, a USAID-financed project on Indonesia’s competitiveness, has launched a 1,000,000 USD grant fund today for firms, institutions and organizations that have innovative ideas for a more competitive Indonesia.

Proposed innovations may be in the form of new products or services that add value or reduce costs, initiatives that capture or retain customers or provide new services, and an idea that creates a more business friendly environment.

No matter what innovation specifically is, it should benefit not only the grantee, but should also have a wider impact that will improve the competitiveness of its industry value chain.

Check out the SENADA Business Innovation Fund's website.

.start doing something. anything.

1 comment:

@beradadisini said...

You're chosen, Rockin' Girl Blogger Award :) please pass it on ...