Look around, look down

[Bahasa Indonesia]
First occurrence
“She has vast knowledge but is stingy.” A passing comment from a friend. She runs a foundation for children education. The comment was about me to her colleagues in the foundation.

Am I really stingy? Have I really that vast knowledge to share?

Second occurrence
A questionnaire that I am filling in. One of the questions wrote: “ask your friends what they consider to be your greatest weakness”. The answer from three friends: thinking too much, too laid back, and belief in self. Wow, am I really?


Third occurrence

A large banner in Djoger shop in Bali, saying: “If you can, don’t just look up.”

That was it. How much bolder should a message be?

We (too) often think that we are a nobody. We look up and never down. I am just starting. I still have a lot more to learn. There is so much more yet to achieve.

We undermine the knowledge, the experience and the exposure we have gained throughout our life, our education, our work. We thirst for more knowledge, more experience, more wealth.

Don't we realize that the majority of people in a lot of regions do not even have elementary education? do not have basic food for everyday survival? have not ever traveled outside of their town? Ignorant us. Ignorant me.

This insecurity gives us the false sense of earning the right to receive. We have forgotten to give or to share. We forget that perhaps even the simplest things to us are luxuries to others.

So perhaps I am stingy. I think too much. I don’t do enough, too laid back. I don’t realize my potentials. I often look up, and seldom down.

At either case, the time has come to give, to share.

.start doing something. Anything.

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