Coffee time
[Bahasa Indonesia]What better way to enjoy coffee (or herbal tea, or fresh lemon juice) but with those we hold so close to our heart. Sometimes with family, self, and books, but more often than not, with friends.
Be it in the mornings, noons, sunsets, or evenings. By the road or by the river. Coffee is never dull given the right company.
Added with little sugar and nothing else, perhaps a dab of fresh milk now and then. Full cream, never low fat. But always with those intimate chats that bring smile to my face and to my heart.
Be it small chats about nothing. Like the day we discussed why there was only that one single tree on top of the hill, whether that cloud looked more like a bear or a bunny.
And when we weighed whether we should compile this pointless (but enchanting) conversations we had in a book titled "The inspired conversationalists."
Or when you remind me that "control is an illusion." A gentle greet that goes straight to the heart for a perfectionist, like you and me.
Or more profound topics. You know what they are.
Or that time you stated your certainty about what to come. I too am looking forward to the day when we sit in the same international conference, me as (a consultant to) a politician and you as international human rights defender.
And the coffee we will have afterwards. "That's the best part," you said.
Once you asked why I knew you so well, "Is it because you are that sensitive? Or whether you can relate to my stories?" I would love to think that I am the former.
But now I realize, more and more, that it is the latter. Just like what that "If life is a game, these are the rules" small book another friend gave me yesterday says: "Others are only mirrors of you." As with you to me, and vice versa.
Coffee is always warming. Lemon juice refreshing.
Today I celebrate friendship. Because I remember you.
Belated happy birthday.
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