
[Bahasa Indonesia]

Patience seems to be the lesson of the week (or is it the lesson of a lifetime?) for me.

I have been feeling impatience these last couple of months. I thought it was boredom. But it looks like boredom is just the symptom. Patience (or rather, the lack of it) is the problem.

I realized that when I was complaining about something to a friend. And all she said at the end was: “(Just do it) one by one. You will never know”. I stopped complaining that very minute. I knew she was right. The path has been set. All I have to do is walk it.

‘Coincidently’, I received an sms from another friend yesterday. She told me about a quranic study session which I have not been in for about two years. I attended the session because I happenned to be in the area. Guess what the main topic was: patience. One of the few things we should ask from God, through prayer and by doing good.

They say that God is with those who are patient. So the teacher in the session asked "Does patience has a limit?". He then said yes, when God is no longer with us. So when you lose your patience, you know who you are with, or without.

He also pointed out that patience needs knowledge. Just like when you cook rice, if you know that it will take about 15-20 minutes for the rice to be cooked, then you will be patience during those 15-20 minutes. Interesting points.

There you go. I have been told about what to do and how to do it. Patience definitely is the lesson of the week (or of a lifetime?) for me.

Patience, persistence and stamina. With blessing, protection and guidance from You. The path has been set. All I have to do is walk it.

-I told you I would write about you someday.-

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